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Library links in Google Scholar

On this page, you can learn how to connect your Google Scholar searches with the library's holdings. In this way, you get quick access if the titles are in our collections, and if they are not, you can fill in an Inter-library loan form.

This is how you get

Library links in Google Scholar

On this page, you can learn how to connect your Google Scholar searches with the library's holdings. In this way, you get quick access if the titles are in our collections, and if they are not, you can fill in an Inter-library loan form.

Google Scholar is a highly popular and easily accessible search engine that focuses on academic material.

Google Scholar enables you to link the library's holdings to your search result, thereby letting you know right away if you can access the material directly via the library. Also, you will not be met by a paywall when you follow the links. Most of the library's subscription databases support this type of linking between search result and library holdings - and so does Google.

Library links are displayed automatically when you work on campus or use a VPB connection. If you work off campus, you must establish the connection before you begin your search.

How to set up library links:

  1. 1

    Select Settings in the burger menu (☰) in the upper left corner.

    Select Library Links from the Settings menu.

  2. 2

    Type "aalborg" in the search field. Select "Aalborg University Library - Full-text via AUB Link", and click "Save".

    The function is now active. Remember to log in via your Google account to save the settings.

How do I use library links?

There are two types of library links in Google Scholar. One to access full-text, and one without full-text that offers the possibility of obtaining the material via Inter-library loan (or a print version).