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Links to read­ing lists

On this page you can learn how to optimize your reading lists (lesson plans and course literature) with direct links to the material.

Create links to material

Naturally, it is important that your students can access the material you expect them to read.

If possible, we recommend that you link via Primo and use permanent links (so-called "permalinks"). Permalinks have a built-in persistence - i.e. a guarantee so to speak that the link will work after you tried it and at later points in time.

It this way you can be fairly sure that the material can be accessed by your students and read before class.

When you link to course literature via the University Library, you automatically comply with access restrictions - i.e. you are safe from accidentally sharing material in a manner that violates license and copyright agreements.

Is there an easier way to do it?

Yes, it is easier to share a PDF-file with your students. However, although license restrictions and Copydan agreements make this this part of the work a bit tiresome, you still gain more than you loose when linking correctly.


Your student can access the material via the link from any location on and off campus.


We carefully monitor the use of our online subscriptions. If a student gets the material directly from Moodle, it is impossible for us to monitor usage. As such, there is a risk that we may cancel subscriptions because they appear unused!


Many publishers do not permit upload of their material to e.g. Moodle or sharing in online compendiums etc. A correctly made link, however, makes sharing safe.

Feel free to contact the library, if you have questions regarding correct linking
