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All you need to know about the library

Aalborg University Library is your library, where you can search for information, get assistance and instruction, study, and do group work. We have both printed and electronic collections of books and journals.

SearchBranches and opening hoursUse the library round-the-clockAre you a new student at AAU?


All you need to know about the library

Aalborg University Library is your library, where you can search for information, get assistance and instruction, study, and do group work. We have both printed and electronic collections of books and journals.

SearchBranches and opening hoursUse the library round-the-clockAre you a new student at AAU?
Quiet atmosphere, large selection of books, great canteen, and a place to park your bicycle right outside - love it!

Frederik S G

We have lots of

Study space

The library's main branch has a vast amount of study spaces for students and project groups.

Study space

We have lots of

Study space

The library's main branch has a vast amount of study spaces for students and project groups.

Study space