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We support your research

Researchers at AAU can get assistance from the library with information searching, reference management, questions about copyright, as well as all aspects of research registration, -publishing, and -dissemination. We are ready to assist every step of the way!

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SearchBranches and opening hoursUse the library round-the-clock


We support your research

Researchers at AAU can get assistance from the library with information searching, reference management, questions about copyright, as well as all aspects of research registration, -publishing, and -dissemination. We are ready to assist every step of the way!

SearchBranches and opening hoursUse the library round-the-clock
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122.000 journals

13 km. books

Search among 964 mill. articles

We also know something about ...

...ranking and SDGs

AAU's Ranking is located at the University Library. Our small ranking team works tirelessly on improving AAU's position on the international ranking lists of universities. Aalborg University is present on most lists and ranks in the top 2 per cent among the 17,000 universities in the world.


We also know something about ...

...ranking and SDGs

AAU's Ranking is located at the University Library. Our small ranking team works tirelessly on improving AAU's position on the international ranking lists of universities. Aalborg University is present on most lists and ranks in the top 2 per cent among the 17,000 universities in the world.
