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Pro­ject sub­mis­sion in Pure

When you submit your assignment in Digital Exam, you are passed on to Pure - the system behind AAU Student Projects. In Pure, you are required to fill in a form with additional information regarding your assignment/project. If you have any questions regarding this process, please check out the information on this page or contact the VBN Team.

Workflow for project submission at AAU
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Pro­ject sub­mis­sion in Pure

When you submit your assignment in Digital Exam, you are passed on to Pure - the system behind AAU Student Projects. In Pure, you are required to fill in a form with additional information regarding your assignment/project. If you have any questions regarding this process, please check out the information on this page or contact the VBN Team.

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Workflow for project submission at AAU

Fill in the Pure form

  1. 1

    Go to Pure

    When you press the "Go to Pure"-button in Digital Exam, you will pass on to Pure where you can add details to the form.

  2. 2

    Mandatory fields

    Fields marked with a red * are mandatory:

    • Type of project
    • Campus
    • Study programme
    • Semester
    • Year (current year)
    • State if you have had externals collaboration or not (see definition below)
  3. 3

    Automatically transferred content

    The contents of the following fields are transferred automatically from Digital Exam, and should NOT be touched:

    • Confidentiality
    • Title
    • English title
    • Files
    • Authors

    Any changes to these fields must be made in Digital Exam!

  4. 4


    Once you have filled in the mandatory fields in Pure and clicked "Save", you will receive a receipt for submission to Pure. 

  5. 5

    Back to Digital Exam

    Go back to Digital Exam and finish your submission!

Clarification of terms

Pure form FAQ


If you have any questions regarding project submission in Pure, please contact the VBN Team.

In the event of system failure, please check the University Library's operations and service information page for Pure and the ITS page with operation and service information for Digital Exam etc. before contacting us or ITS.