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These are the terms for

Online access to electronic resources

How do I access the library's electronic collections and resources? It depends on which type of library user you are. Terms and conditions regarding use are stated in the agreements we enter with our suppliers. These are more or less the same across agreements and educational institutions.

These are the terms for

Online access to electronic resources

How do I access the library's electronic collections and resources? It depends on which type of library user you are. Terms and conditions regarding use are stated in the agreements we enter with our suppliers. These are more or less the same across agreements and educational institutions.

If you are a student

As a rule, students at AAU have access to all the library's electronic collections and resources.

You must log in with your AAU username. You will be granted access as long as your username is active.

If you are doing Primo searches, the search engine will locate the material and links you have access to, if you log in from the beginning.

We recommend that students log in to Primo with their AAU username

If you are working from home, or otherwise off the campus network, we recommend that you use a VPN-client. Most of our suppliers use our network addresses (IP-addresses) to identify valid users. This is why you cannot go directly to the supplier and access the content. In most cases you will be med by a paywall. If you, on the other hand, log in to Primo and use Primo links your searches, you user status is automatically verified and access is granted. 

Single subject students are not automatically registered as users in Primo, and should always use at VPN-client in connection with online access.

NOTICE! Access is strictly personal and relates to academic or private use only. It is not to be used commercially or in other work-related situations. When you are no longer enrolled at AAU, your username will remain active for approx. 90 days. When your AAU username expires, you will no longer have access to our electronic collections and resources.