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Clarifying concepts with genrative AI

How can I employ generative AI for e.g. clarifying concepts and as input for further information searching? We hear more about how e.g. ChatGPT can write your assignments for you, and less about how you can use it as a tool for learning!

Clarifying concepts with genrative AI

How can I employ generative AI for e.g. clarifying concepts and as input for further information searching? We hear more about how e.g. ChatGPT can write your assignments for you, and less about how you can use it as a tool for learning!

You can easily use generative AI as a tool in an academic context when you work with e.g. clarifying concepts, and as input to your work with information searching for your project. You can use the results as inspiration and as content for further work.

Here are a couple of examples of how you can do it, which may serve as inspiration. We are using ChatGPT.

Quick tips for improved use of a chatbot

  • State a clear and complete question
  • Include your keywords and terms
  • State precisely what you want an answer to
  • Break complex questions into smaller parts
  • Ask about particular elements in the answer to make the chatbot more specific. Add context.
  • The dialogue works as a conversation. That is, the context is answered through the conversation, and you can make a reference to it in connection with later questions
  • Regenerate the answers to see alternatives
  • Begin a new conversation if you need to change the context
  • ChatGPT works particularly well with English language material. You might want to use English as your dialogue language
  • It pays to be polite and friendly! Responses often improve; "please" and "thank you" are phrases that can really make a difference to the quality of responses

Clarifying concepts with ChatGPT