The contents of Primo
Primo contains first and foremost the library's own collections. I.e. Primo is a catalogue of:
- Our collections of printed material
- Aalborg University's Research Portal - VBN (all research publications with matching full-text)
- AAU Student projects (formerly known as the Digital Project Library)
Additionally, Primo contains a huge index of content with online access or material that you can request via Interlibrary loan. This content is maintained by our systems vendor.
Unless otherwise specified, you will search material with online access (here and now access), but you can add the option to search for material outside the library's holdings.
You can search content from:
5.2 billion records
5.000+ vendors and data sources
10 per cent annual growth
Examples of vendors / data sources are:
Elsevier Scopus, IEEE, JSTOR, Lexis Nexis, McGraw-Hill, MIT Press, Springer-Nature, ProQuest, PubMed, WebOfScience, and many many more.
Types of material are e.g.:
964 million articles
830 million books
88 million book chapters
148 million patents
26 million data sets
63 million conference publications
Primo is a search engine with an academic focus, and as such peer reviewed sources are of key importance. In addition, there is a deliberate focus on free access to scientific material, which is enforced through linking to e.g. Open Access versions as well as to publisher's version.
The contents cover e.g.:
549 million peer reviewed
333 million Open Access