Aalborg University
Symposium on Research Evaluations, Indicators, and Impact Assessment in a CoARA Perspective

Aalborg University Copenhagen
A. C. Meyers Vænge 15
2450 Copenhagen
24.11.2023 08:30 - 15:00
On location
Aalborg University Copenhagen
A. C. Meyers Vænge 15
2450 Copenhagen
24.11.2023 08:30 - 15:0024.11.2023 08:30 - 15:00
On location
Aalborg University
Symposium on Research Evaluations, Indicators, and Impact Assessment in a CoARA Perspective

Aalborg University Copenhagen
A. C. Meyers Vænge 15
2450 Copenhagen
24.11.2023 08:30 - 15:00
On location
Aalborg University Copenhagen
A. C. Meyers Vænge 15
2450 Copenhagen
24.11.2023 08:30 - 15:0024.11.2023 08:30 - 15:00
On location
Unfortunately, the event is fully booked and now closed for registration. Please join our waiting list until November 19th by emailing: vbn@aub.aau.dk
Aalborg University (AAU) is proud to present Dr. James Morris, Senior Policy Officer at Science Europe and Dr. Gunnar Sivertsen, Professor at Nordic Institute for Studies of innovation, research and education (NIFU) as key speakers.
Aalborg University is happy to invite policymakers, academics, funding agencies, and other interested parties to join us for this full-day symposium.
Under the auspices of the EU Commission, the agreement document from July 2022, Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment (ARRA), serves as a new common framework for evaluating research with a focus on combining quantitative metrics with qualitative assessments on collaboration, openness, and societal impact. ARRA pushes forward the agenda on reforming research assessments and evaluations by contributing to the rapid development within qualitative parameters to measure and evaluate research and impact of research.
By signing ARRA and becoming a member of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA), signatories commit to using responsible metrics and to include qualitative and quantitative methods to assess research and researchers. Several research institutions and research foundations have already signed ARRA. For Denmark, it currently applies to six universities, as well as The Lundbeck Foundation, Independent Research Fund Denmark, and The Danish National Research Foundation.
At the same time, changes in research evaluations and measurements for research and researchers lead to several important questions and reflections. For instance, how do responsible metrics work in practice, how is it possible to measure more qualitative elements of research, and is it possible to benchmark these, and should they be benchmarked, and if so in what format? Moreover, what are the assumptions on research assessment, and how do these changes affect the behavior of researchers?
The AAU's new research indicator is a first example of implementing the commitments in ARRA into practice. The indicator was approved by the Aalborg University board in June 2023, and the indicator is now in the implementation phase at the university.
Keynote speakers
Program (subject to change)
Program | Moderator Dr. David Budtz Pedersen, Aalborg University |
8.30-9.00 | Arrival and registration |
Session A | |
9.00-9.30 |
Welcome and opening of symposium. Dr. Per Michael Johansen, Rector Aalborg University & Dr. David Budtz Pedersen, Professor Aalborg University |
9.30-10.15 |
Keynote Dr. James Morris, Senior Policy Officer at Science Europe Title of talk: Reforming Research Assessment: Why, How, and Why Now? |
10.15- 10.30 | Short break |
10.30 - 11.15 |
Keynote Dr. Professor Gunnar Sivertsen, NIFU Title talk: Informing research assessment, funding, and management after July 2022 |
11.15-11.30 | Short break |
11.30- 12.00 |
Presentation AAU Research Indicator Dr. Kathrine Bjerg Bennike & M.A., MIT Poul Meier Melchiorsen, Aalborg University Library Title talk: The AAU Research Indicator: An institutional strategic tool for measuring and evaluating research in an Open Science perspective |
12.00 – 13.00 | Lunch |
Session B | |
13.00 -14.00 |
4x15 min short presentations Dr. Thomas Alslev Christensen, Senior Vice President, Novo Nordisk Fonden Helle Kryger Aggerholm, Forsknings- og udviklingsdirektør, VIA University College Karen Skytte Larsen, Fund Advisor and Head of Programme The Velux Foundation Professor Lone Gram, Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) |
14.00-14.15 | Short break |
14.15- 14:45 |
Panel debate: Impact og merits in research assessments Dr. David Budtz Pedersen (moderator) Dr. James Morrison, Science Europe Dr. Gunnar Sivertsen, NIFU Karen Skytte Larsen, Fund Advisor and Head of Programme The Velux Foundation Helle Kryger Aggerholm, Forsknings- og udviklingsdirektør, VIA University College Professor Lone Gram, Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) Dr. Thomas Alslev Christensen, Senior Vice President, Novo Nordisk Fonden |
14.45-15.00 |
Final remarks and end of the day A reception will follow - wine and snacks |
Location and registration information
Directions from Sydhavn Station (train station) to Aalborg University, Copenhagen (10 minutes walk) via Google Maps.
Further information and contact
The symposium is hosted and sponsored by Department of Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University Library, and Aalborg University.